Post Clone Login Issues on Oracle Apps R12.2.4

Sep 9, 2019

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Non-PROD instance clone has been completed successfully from PROD instance and no issues were encountered while performing the clone but, while trying to login into the application front end, we are unable to login and below is the error message from the log files.


After the NON-PROD instance clone, while logging into the application in R12.2.4 we are getting the blank page, below is the error noticed in the log files.

javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Guest user/pwd does not exist or match: GUEST/ORACLE


This could be because of the Oracle executable failed to re-link. FND_WEB_SEC is unable to execute the code to change the GUEST user password in the database due to corrupted JVM.




    • Check the Database alert log file also for any errors


The Issue can be fixed by rebuilding the Core JVM objects with the below action plan.

    • Connect / as sysdba

Alter system set JAVA_JIT_ENABLED=FALSE scope=both;

alter system set “_system_trig_enabled” = false scope=memory;

alter system set JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES=0;

create or replace java system


    • Compile the invalids:


    • Run Autoconfig on Database server.
    • Run Autoconfig on Application servers.
    • Perform the sanity checks by login into the applications.