Pattern Joins in Oracle Using Like Operator

Sep 10, 2019

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The Like operator is used to search the pattern in one table. Similarly, we can use the like operator along with the concatenation function to do a pattern matching between the multiple tables. Here I have given example for two tables.


Here I have created two tables named as A,B with few fields and inserted one row in table A and 4 rows in table B.

create table A(no number(10),name varchar(30),address varchar(100));

create table B(address varchar(100),pincode varchar(10));

insert into A values(1,’A’,’Hyderabad’);

insert into B values(‘Hyderabad’,’500081′);

insert into B values(‘Hyderabad1′,’500082’);

insert into B values(‘1Hyderabad’,’500083′);

insert into B values(‘1Hyderabad1′,’500084’);

Table A output:

Table A

No Name Address
1 A Hyderabad

Table B output:

Table B

Address Pincode
Hyderabad 500081
Hyderabad1 500082
1Hyderabad 500083
1Hyderabad1 500084


Matching Table A address pattern in Table B address:

Below query performs pattern matching between table A with Table B.

select * from A,B where B.address like ‘%’||A.address||’%’;


Table A Table B
No Name Address Address Pincode
1 A Hyderabad Hyderabad 500081
1 A Hyderabad Hyderabad1 500082
1 A Hyderabad 1Hyderabad 500083
1 A Hyderabad 1Hyderabad1 500084


Here Table A address is ‘Hyderabad’ and it has the match with all the rows. So, it returned all the rows.

Matching Table B address pattern in Table A address:

select * from A,B where A.address like ‘%’||B.address||’%’;


Table A Table B
No Name Address Address Pincode
1 A Hyderabad Hyderabad 500081


Here Table B has 4 addresses and it has the one row match with A table. So, it returned one row.


Update Table A set Address=’ 1Hyderabad1’;

Table A

No Name Address
1 A 1Hyderabad1


Table B

Address Pincode
Hyderabad 500081
Hyderabad1 500082
1Hyderabad 500083
1Hyderabad1 500084


Matching Table A address pattern in Table B address:

select * from A,B where B.address like ‘%’||A.address||’%’;


Table A Table B
No Name Address Address Pincode
1 A 1Hyderabad1 1Hyderabad1 500081

Here Table A address is ‘1Hyderabad1’ and it has the match with one row. So, it returned one row.


Matching Table B address pattern in Table A address:

select * from A,B where A.address like ‘%’||B.address||’%’;

Table A Table B
No Name Address Address Pincode
1 A 1Hyderabad1 Hyderabad 500081
1 A 1Hyderabad1 Hyderabad1 500082
1 A 1Hyderabad1 1Hyderabad 500083
1 A 1Hyderabad1 1Hyderabad1 500084

Here Table B address has 4 rows and it has the match with all the rows. So, it returned all the rows.