- Unable to find LDAP users and groups in EM though same can be seen in WebLogic Console
Errors And Warnings In Logs:
<Error> <oracle.adf.share.security.providers.jps.JpsUtil> <BEA-000000> <
Caused By: oracle.igf.ids.arisid.ArisIdConnectionException: Operations error: entity=OU=people,OU=xxxxxx,o=xxxxxx op=find mesg= AdditionalInfo: LDAP Error 2 : simple bind failed: <<LdapHost>>:portNumber
Caused By: oracle.ods.virtualization.service.VirtualizationException: oracle.ods.virtualization.engine.util.DirectoryException: LDAP Error 2 : simple bind failed: ovd-<<LdapHost>>:portNumber
Caused By: oracle.ods.virtualization.engine.util.DirectoryException: LDAP Error 2 : simple bind failed: <<LdapHost>>:portNumber
<Warning> <oracle.igf.ovd> <IGF-00008> <Operations error: entity=OU=people,OU=xxxxxx,o=xxxxxxxx op=find mesg=Protocol Error LDAP Error 2 : simple bind failed: <<LdapHost>>:portNumber
<Error> <oracle.adf.share.security.providers.jps.JpsUtil> <BEA-000000> <null>
Steps To Configure Libovd:
Pre-requisites: AdminServer should be up and running.
Set environment variables.
- export JAVA_HOME= <<JDK_HOME>>
- export PATH= <<JDK_HOME>>/bin:${PATH}
- export WL_HOME= <Products_home>> /fmw/wlserver
- export PATH=<WL_HOME>>/bin:${PATH}
- export ORACLE_HOME = <<Products_home>>/fmw
Go to <Prodcuts_Home>>/fmw/oracle_common/bin
Run libovdconfig.sh
libovdconfig.sh -host wls_host -port wls_adminserver_port -userName
wls_user_name -domainPath full_path_domain_home -createKeyStore
Enter AdminServer password: ********
Enter OVD Keystore password: ********
- Go to <<Domain_Home>>/config/fmwconfig/ovd/default/
You will notice “keystore” directory created.
- Go to keystore directory, you will notice adapters.jks file.
- Import your organisation Root and intermediate certificates
keytool -importcert -alias <<root>> -keystore adapters.jks -storepass changeit -file <<RootCertificate>>
keytool -importcert -alias <<Intermediate>> -keystore adapters.jks -storepass changeit -file <<intermediateCertificate>>
keytool -list -keystore adapters.jks -storepass changeit
- Restart AdminServer
- Login to EM console and verify users and groups lis