How to get forgot Weblogic admin password

How to get forgot Weblogic admin password

If we don’t remember WebLogic admin password, we can get it using the below method. [applmgr@ebsapp1 ~]$ sh /u01/app/oracle/ebsappl/FIN2DB/fs1/FMW_Home/wlserver_10.3/common/bin/wlst.shInitializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) …Welcome to WebLogic Server...
Purging in SOA 12c (

Purging in SOA 12c (

Problem/Situation: How to enable or make it work purging in SOA 12c ( 12c has automated jobs at EM console level to do instance purging. These Jobs can be found at “Target Navigation –>SOA–> soa-infra–>SOA AdministrationàAuto Purge.”List of purge...
WebLogic Default Admin User’s Password change/Reset

WebLogic Default Admin User’s Password change/Reset

Situation: Change/Reset the WebLogic Default Admin User’s Password>Solution: we have two methods to change the WebLogic Default Admin User’s Password If you know the Admin password If you don’t know the Admin Password, we need to reset the Password. –> If You...